#Design #Branding #UX/UI #WebDevelopment #Print #Motion
Minimentals site, 2005–2012
Web, Print
Design (UX/UI, Print, Brand), Flash Development and Animation

“Lyrical, daydreamlike shorts with a playful but haunting insight into the human condition.” - Victoria Ellison, LA Weekly Contributor

“Through intense observation and unexpected connections, this ongoing series of cinematic haikus transforms ordinary moments into reveries that blur the line between inner and outer, real and imagined worlds. In the process, they invite us to rediscover a layer of everyday experience which is often overlooked in the frantic pace of contemporary life.” - Denise Iris, Filmmaker

After attending Columbia University's very first New Media course, “Web Design and Development,” the professor recommended me to filmmaker Denise Iris to do the branding, design, and development of a website hosting her newly funded film series, Minimentals. As the film series was a work-in-progress (and not meant to be a complete archive), the website was designed to be updated each week with a new “minimental,” a short film around a minute in length, for a year, with the last seven available to stream at any given moment.

For the logo, she wanted something that reflected the play... Read more

Promotional postcard for the launch of the site
Minimentals logo
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