“A film in which whimsy is frequently supplanted by an overpowering sense of dread, much of it courtesy of an unearthly score by John Atkinson and Talya Cooper that turns on a dime between ebullient and ill-omened.”
- Keith Uhlich, Hollywood Reporter
“Plains, the collaborative spawn of Talya Cooper and John Atkinson, evolved out of the score the two created for Two Plains & A Fancy, a Western-styled film by Lev Kalman and Whitney Horn. Whereas Cooper and Atkinson purposefully aligned short musical pieces to scenes within the film for the soundtrack, Plains freed them from operating according to any guidelines but their own…. With field recordings by Federico González Jordán from Colorado's San Luis Valley included, Cooper and Atkinson conjure restful oases of widescreen entrancement.”
- Textura
Whereas previous design projects for musical releases have generally involved some combination of collaboration ... Read more